Building Confidence, Curiosity, and Resilience: Inside the Professional Development at UHCHI Culinary Apprenticeship
Building Confidence, Curiosity, and Resilience: Inside the Professional Development at UHCHI Culinary Apprenticeship by UHCHI...
Begin Your Culinary Career with UHCHI
UHCHI provides a debt-free entry into unionized career pathways. Our Chef de Partie Apprenticeship program has no financial cost to you. With over 85 years of collective experience, our instructors will prepare you to work in some of the best kitchens in the world and do so with well-earned confidence.
We work with you to get you placed in positions with our unionized employer partners. You will be paid well above the minimum wage for your on-the-job training and will soon be eligible for some of the best benefits in the country.
In addition to first-class culinary training, we provide you with additional supportive services you may need. Some of these additional services include:
Housing support, UHCHI is committed to seeing each of our Apprentices achieve success in the hospitality industry. We work with you to identify and remove as many barriers to your success as we can.
A U.S. Department of Labor registered Apprenticeship includes all of these:
Including benefits, you will earn an average of $301,533 more in compensation over the course of your career than your peers that have not completed a U.S. Department of Labor registered Apprenticeship.
To join our Chef de Partie Apprenticeship program, take the first step in our recruiting process and attend an in-person Info Session. Our Info-Session Assesment form is here.
Once you have filled out the form, choose a date to attend the info session here.
We prepare you to confidently set out on your culinary career
We support you in getting hired by one of our Employer Partners to complete your on-the-job training.
UHCHI Apprentices’ average starting wage
as of September 2023
UHCHI remains committed to you throughout your career. We offer continual support, upskilling and
professional development to our alumni.
Building Confidence, Curiosity, and Resilience: Inside the Professional Development at UHCHI Culinary Apprenticeship by UHCHI...
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