UHCHI partners with community-based organizations to supply our Apprentices with more than just top-of-the-line culinary training!
Referral Services

Our partner Literacy Chicago provides group and individualized tutoring services, ESL Spanish & Chinese literacy, adult literacy classes and adult basic education, GED available upon request, to support our program participants.

Financial Literacy
Our partners BMO Harris Bank and Ladder Up support our program participants in building a strong foundation for self-sufficiency and professional growth. We work with our partners to insure our Apprentices gain the skills needed to make sound financial choices.

Supportive Services
We work with our partners to provide and administer supportive services to eligible program participants. Some of our partners also provide career counseling, support with transportation costs, work shoes and other barrier reduction supports.
Contact us
Do you have programs or services that you believe UHCHI Apprentices would benefit from? If so, we’d love to work with you! Please reach out below and start the conversation.
Our Current Partners